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Sunday, January 10

bleah. sometimes i feel like i've such huge shoes to fill.

even if it isn't true.

guess sometimes it just isn't that simple.


Monday, September 7

Storybook endings, fairy tales coming true
Deep down inside we wanna believe they still do
In our secretest heart, it's our favourite part of the story
Let's just admit we all want to make it to..

Ever ever after

If we just don't get it our own way
Ever ever after
It may only be a wish away

Ever Ever After - Carrie Underwood


Sunday, August 30

i wanted to do a nice update on my wonderful life and add in some inspiration-cum-emo stuff BUT i only have ONE thing to say now.



Saturday, August 8

BIZADers are simply the BOMB. (:

Rag&Flag was awesome! the morning was pretty dreadful to go through. considering we didn't get any sleep the night before. i think i only slept for 10 mins or so. haha! everything went well! no mistakes in cheer stunts, no major errors. WHEEEEEEEEE. (: (: (:

hard to believe that rag's over. all the hard work put into it has definitely paid off! i'm going to miss all the dancers, our cam-whoring/gossip/HTHT/talk cock sessions, scandalous moments, watching the boys at their best retarded moments.. hahaha.

ahh..now that all the fun is over, school's gonna start soon. looking forward to it! hope i can get re-adjusted to school life again (though i've been going to school almost everyday for the past 1 month or so).

meeting S201 peeps tmr! shall have lotsa fun. (:



Sunday, August 2

haven't been blogging in a while. ragdance is keeping me super occupied. but i'm enjoying it! gossips games talking shit in between breaks, jacking people's facebooks, amusing ourselves with.. well, ourselves. hahaha!

we stayed out on friday after prac until like, 6am! played some drinking games, and those 'HOW MANY MEHMEH JUMP OVER THE WALL' kind of retarded mentally-torturous games. i've learnt so many new ones and i'm so gonna use them to irritate the hell out of ppl soon. :D

got home at like 7am ystd. zz. and met up with some KENSEI-ians in e aftnn. settler's cafe was crazy man. had a good time laughing! and our HTHT session during dinner was really something. we shd have more of it. although it makes me feel a bit emo. hahaa.

anyways. RAG Day is next saturdayyyy! omg. this week's gonna be extra hard on us. PLUS there's bidding to do tmr. haven't really decided on which module to take, but hopefully i'll get the one i want. :l

Just go with the flow, girl.


Friday, July 17

i have new found respect for dancers. regardless of the genre.

it really takes it out of you mannnn. and pracs are gna be up-ped to 4 times a week, and then EVERYDAY. gna hv to camp in audi soon alr.

nvm. good exercise before term starts. :D


Thursday, July 9


i'm dead tired. my legs are so wobbly now!
plus, the sac peeps are coming over to sweeeem tmr.
AND i've ragdance prac on friday.


wheeeee. (:


Friday, July 3

past three days were spent on rather enjoyable stuffs. gambling&movie with the OG, guitar hero-ing with sacians, and RAG Dancing at NUS today. and guess what!

i had my very first taste of cheerleading today!
so scary la! to be up so high. but yet! it's fun. hahaha. :D funky stuff.

played some silly murderer games with the OG at keith's place (again) earlier. his dog is SO FRIGGIN CUTE! gosh. hahaha. i rly like this bunch of ppl. so fun-loving and ON about anything and everything. so infectious. haha!

ice age with lim laterrrrr. (:

just stay positive, babe.


Sunday, June 28


so many nice movies coming up!
there's ICE AGE 3,
there's ORPHAN,
there's UP.

and i wanna watch ALL of them!

Young girl, get outta my mind
My love for you is way out of line
Better run girl
You're much too young, girl.

Young Girl - Gary Puckett


Thursday, June 25


so many things to say. so lazy to elaborate. HAHA. let's do it in point form, shall we? (:

3. silly, dirty games around campus on Day 1
4. hot, sunny, fun-filled day + night at SENTOSA on Day 2. so bloody FUN. omg.
5. FAKE FRESHIES in each group! their method of revelation was amazing man. haha.
6. BLIND DATES with our 'Special Partner' (hahaha)
7. games in the pool on Day 3. which included broken telephone-cum-charades (our grp scored an amazing ZERO POINTS for the entire game! HAHA!), captain's ball with the girls sitting on the guys, and some others. hahaha.
8. revelation of our SPs, which was SO INTERESTING. im not being sarcastic. :D
9. dinner at SANTA FE, Riverboat. with our SPs. which was. hahahaha.
10. PHOTO-TAKING with.. basically the whole world. :D

i probably left out some, but these are the highlights. it's pretty sad that the camp had to end a day earlier due to H1N1. but anyhoo! made some pretty good friends, JOANNA and ANNABELLE. (: joanna's my whistling-harmonising partner. hahaha.

PICS UP ON FACEBOOK. lazy to upload it here la. heehee.

for more details, pls date me and i'll dedicate my ENTIRE DAY to you. i swear, i won't tire of it. hahaha!

to think i actually thought of NOT going for the camp!


Wednesday, June 17

Somewhere far along this road
He lost his soul

To a woman so heartless..


Sunday, June 14


spent the ENTIRE day at Katong ystd. with theLORRS. haha. walked around Parkway, hoping to buy some stuff. sadly it wasn't meant to be. boring la. go there too often alr. heh.

so we walked over to Katong. got my eyebrows done! lorrs was too much of a scaredy cat, so she didnt. hee. and guess what! there was a flea market outside the Hong Kong Tea House! the stalls were all like, blogshops. selling their stuffs. really, really cooool.

and lorrs managed to find her clutch bag! for 3BUCKS! and it looked pretty decent too. i bought a pretty dress for 15bucks, and a necklace for 8. (: 23buckaroos. if i'd bought retail, 23bucks would probably only give me a.. basic tee. or sth.

THEN we went to church. :D lorrs and i have very very different.. perceptions of.. eyecandy. she's so weird. kept blowing my cover. nehneh. anyhoos, IT'S OKAY LORRS. you can have the one with the dramatic middle name! :D

flea markets are friggin' cool yo. it's still on-going today! go check it out if you're free. :D i'm itching to go down again. mwahaha.


Wednesday, June 10

when life seems to turn a darker shade of grey,
take a deep breath, take a step back.
remind yourself of happier days.

and you'll see the colours creeping back home.


Tuesday, June 9

one day, i might just write you a song.


Monday, June 8

MINT Museum of Toys with JO and RACH ystd. (: kinda interesting. though it was smaller than we expected.

the toys were really cool! some really brought back memories. haha. took many many photos! all on facebook. heh.

a few snippets!

looks like a promotional poster for some horror movie.

anything familiar? (:

a little boy's heaven. :D

glass floor. it took a lot of courage to step on it and take THIS SHOT okayyyy. ask rachel! haha. (:

THE BEATLES COLLECTIBLES! a ton of them on display.

the Snow White figurine here was, sadly, NOT the 'fairest of them all'. (as rachel put it)

fun day. (:

